Volume 4 No 4 (2006)
Evidence of Non-Local Physical, Chemical and Biological Effects Supports Quantum Brain
 Huping Hu and Maoxin Wu
Pages: 291 - 306
Activity-Dependent Plasticity In Gap Junctions as a Mechanism for Cardiac Memory
 V.S. Chakravarthy, J.Krishnan, S. Radhakrishnan, Chaitanya Sai
Pages: 307 - 320
A Robotic Program that Acquires Concepts and Begins Introspection
 Kenzo Iwama 1
Pages: 321 - 328
Adaptive Behavior and Consciousness
 Richard Allen Sieb
Pages: 329 - 336
Dynamics and Adaptation Consciousness, Cognitive Science, and Quantum Mechanics
 Jon R Courtney
Pages: 337 - 344
The Nature of Consciousness and the Meaning of Life
 Michael J. Vandeman1
Pages: 345 - 350