Volume 7 No 2 (2009)
nterpretations of Quantum Mechanics and Emptiness
Michele Caponigro and Ravi Prakash
Pages: 198 - 203
Gravitational Brainwaves, Quantum Fluctuations and Stochastic Quantization Part-I
Daniel Bar
Pages: 213 - 225
Gravitational Brainwaves, Quantum Fluctuations and Stochastic Quantization Part II
Daniel Bar
Pages: 226 - 245
Network of Perceptions
Fariel Shafee
Pages: 246 - 257
Probing Brain Oxygenation with Near Infrared Spectroscopy
Alexander Gersten, Jacqueline Perle, Amir Raz†and Robert Fried
DOI: .
Pages: 258 - 266
On the Supersymmetry Between Universe and Human Mind
Taechang Kang
Pages: 267 - 282
Difficulties with Collapse Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics
Casey Blood
Pages: 302 - 313
Quantum Physics Relevance to Psychiatry
Mansoor A Malik and James Lindesay
Pages: 314 - 317
Technologies of the Mind Neuroanthropology and Memetics
Arthur Saniotis
Pages: 318 - 324
Free, Uncensored Science and Credit for Truth
Shi V. Liu
Pages: 332 - 335
Theory of Consciousness
Tapan Das
Pages: 336 - 337