Volume 20 No 3 (2022)
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“Assess the knowledge regarding Weaning among Mothers of under Five Year Children, Admitted At Rama Hospital & Research Centre, Kanpur (U.P)”
Mrs. Jasmi Johnson, Mrs. B. Archana, Mr. Alan V. Joseph, Ms. Kesani Vanaja Lakshmi Durga Bhavani, Ms. Alanjangi Monika
Non-experimental, descriptive research approach was used for this study. An objective of the study was to assess the knowledge of mothers of under 5-year children regarding weaning and to find out association between knowledge score of mothers under 5-year children regarding weaning with their selected demographic variables. Sample size was 30 selected through purposive sampling technique in the maternity ward of Dr R. M. L. hospital, Lucknow (U.P). Tools used for this study under section A-demographic variables consist of education, age, occupation, religion, type of family residential area, family income and Section B- consist of 30 closed ended knowledge based structured questionnaire related to introduction, initiation preparation and benefits of weaning. The study reveals that most of the mothers of under 5-year children had average knowledge that is 17 (56.67%) regarding introduction of breast feeding and weaning, 10(33.32%) regarding initiation and preparation and 14 (46.67%) regarding benefits of weaning. No significant association seen between knowledge score of mothers of under 5-year children and their related demographic variables.
Non-experimental, descriptive research approach was used for this study.
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