Volume 20 No 12 (2022)
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Abhishek Gandhar , Rajesh Holmukhe, Phagun Vijay , Madhav Sood , Rudra Sharma ,Adarsh Patra
The Coronavirus made a new normalization of life where communal distancing and use of
masks for covering their face perform an essential part in monitoring the effects of spreading
of the corona virus, still the majority of population are found not using face shields or masks
in public areas that accelerates the spreading of the corona virus. This might lead to the
serious issue of rise in scattering of the disease. Therefore, to neglect any kind of
circumstances we are in need to explore and alert the public for wearing masks. Persons
can’t be deployed for this procedure, as the risk of getting affected by corona virus increases.
Henceforth, the presented model for mask detection is surrounded along the theories of
artificial intelligence (AI), deep learning, object detection technologies and convolutional
neural networks (CNN) which are the key subject of this project. The project performs by
recognizing the people are wearing their face shields or masks or not in public areas via
utilizing image processing and deep learning practices and transmitting data to the governing
authorities. These algorithms for abject detection have been optimized for recognition of
people with face masks or not. This paper is attempting for development of a model for realtime monitoring which will turn out to be pretty effective and simple. This model
magnificently recognizes whether an individual is wearing a mask or not up to 98% of
accuracy as achieved till date and observed that it has yielded outstanding outcomes for the
Novel Coronavirus; CNN- Convolutional Neural Networks; AI -Artificial Intelligence ; Deep Learning ; Mask Detection .
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