Volume 20 No 22 (2022)
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A Compact UWB MIMO Antenna With Parasitic Elements For Improved Isolation
Mahankali Radhika, P. Kishor Kumar
From the concept of parasitic elements, a two port ultra-wideband (UWB) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna system has been defined. there are two driven loop elements with half on each side which is fabricated on substrate which acts as a two ports.the simulated final results shows 50% reduces overall area and size which results in a enhansing the bandwidth of entire antenna. The MIMO antenna is operating frequency is 5.6 GHz for WLAN Applications. A wide bandwidth of 2.701 GHz covering 4.3~6.684 GHz, is provided by the suggested architecture. The proposed compact MIMO antenna have overall size of 50*90*0.87 mm^3 overall and 50*40*0.76 mm^3 each element is of 50*50*0.87 mm^3 . the performance of simulated results shows a minimum front-to-back ratio (FBR) of 19 dB, with a gain of 5.9 dB, and a lowest directivity of 6.1 dB by using a single director element.. It has tested total efficiency above 78% across the operating band the simulated results has 78% efficiency across the operationg band with less envelope correlation coefficient (ECC) value of 0.0457, and minimum isolation of 16.7 dB. The prosed MIMO antenna retains very good directional radiation properties.
From the concept of parasitic elements, a two port ultra-wideband (UWB) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna system has been defined.
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