Volume 17 No 5 (2019)
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A Comparative Analysis of the Plastic, Dynamic and Media Arts: A Composition is versatility
Art encompasses a wide variety of human endeavours and their outputs, all of which include the exercise of creative or inventive aptitude and aim to convey some aspect of technical mastery, aesthetic excellence, emotional impact, or intellectual complexity. Art has been understood quite differently by different people at different times throughout history and in different cultures. Traditional Western visual arts include the mediums of sculpture, architecture, and art. A larger description of the arts would encompass not just the visual arts, but also literature, music, cinema, and other multimedia like interactive media. Before the 17th century, there was no clear demarcation between the arts and the sciences; all forms of expertise were considered to be art. In contemporary use, which emerged from the 17th century and places a premium on aesthetics, fine arts are considered to be distinct from other types of learned expertise, such as decorative or practical arts.
Dynamic Art, Plastic Art, Media Art
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