Volume 9 No 4 (2011)
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A Meta-mathematical Approach Toward an Explanation of Entanglement A Topological Model
Mark Mac Dowell and Ramakrishna Puligandla
The intent of this brief article is to answer the logical question, “What sort of
mathematics could be used to explain how non-locality (entanglement) happens?”
The interest here is that, although physicists agree that entanglement is a real
phenomenon, thus far no physical or mathematical explanations of this
phenomenon have been put forward. The present article takes a logical metamathematical
approach searching for a plausible explanation. A Moebius topology is
used to describe the relationship between matter and anti-matter, thereby pointing
to an explanation of non-locality. What are the physical implications of this
topology? How would it show up in the laboratory?
entanglement, moebius, topology
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