Volume 20 No 20 (2022)
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A Novel Improvised Advanced Encryption Standard (NIAES) for Wireless Sensor Networks
Nowadays smart phones and wireless data communication are serving as the key components in any
communication system of digital world. Furthermore, data being shared in the course of this medium is quite
sensitive during both transmission and reception phase. Hence, it is greatly recommended to protect the
shared data from frauds and spam. Furthermore in today’s smart world of Internet of Things (IoT), a variety of
objects are connected through the same wireless network like smart home appliances, personal smart phones,
other gadgets related to work from home or school from home in these tough COVID-19 situations. One of the
best wireless networks equipped with secured and efficient channel is needed to work upon. In this paper,
author has proposed a Novel Improvised Advanced Encryption Standard (NIAES) for secured image or video
sharing over wireless network. Here, a novel way of construction of Substitution Box (S-Box) is proposed with
the extensive formulation of an improvised version of the equation while dealing with the square matrix
construction throughout the affine transformation stage of proposed NIAES scheme. The proposed NIAES was
found to be speedy, more secured and efficient based on various performance and quality parameters.
S-Box, Affine Transform, Image Entropy, Unified Average Changing Intensity (UACI), Number of Pixels Change Rate (NPCR).
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