Volume 20 No 12 (2022)
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A Novel Reading Technique for Visually Impaired Person Using Enhanced Optical Character Recognition Method
R. Rajan,M. S. Geetha Devasena
Person with vision is able to read any document even knowing title, subsection, and
paragraph as the ways. In the case of a visually impaired person, it was possible only for some other
person giving reading assistants. There must be a provision for visually impaired persons who are
supposed to get assistance to read content of documents or books with their title, subtitle, paragraph
etc. as per their wish and themselves using some Machine learning (ML) or Deep Learning (DL)
algorithms. Some work has been proposed to assist visually impaired persons. With the help of these
works are able to scan documents using Object Character Recognition (OCR) technique and with the
help of voice assistants, it can be listened to by them. The limitation is that the OCR technique does not
identify and categorize as title, sub title and paragraph etc. The idea of this proposed work was that it is
essential to identify and categorize reading image based content or document into title, sub title and
paragraph within a single image. This solution would be very useful to visually impaired people to read
such image content as per their choice and that they can get only what content they want to read and
which title, which subtitle and paragraph and all. In this proposed work, this proposed work was coined
the Enhanced OCR (EOCR) method. The experiment was conducted and accuracy of categories image
content into title, subtitle, paragraph etc. for 10 in count. The OCR method’s accuracy for the same work
was measured 10 in count. Later for precision, sensitivity was also noted for both proposed and existing
algorithms. With the aid of SPSS tool, performance comparison was carried out with independent
samples t test and graph builder modules. The mean accuracy, mean precision and mean sensitivity
were measured using proposed EOCR as 97.899%, 97.404% and 97.933% respectively and for OCR
algorithm 94.059%, 94.925% and 95.387% respectively. The proposed EOCR method has gained more
novelty to recognize images into title, subtitle and paragraph content than the OCR algorithm
Deep learning; machine learning; feature extraction; enhanced optical character recognition; visually impaired person assistance
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