Volume 20 No 14 (2022)
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A Study On The Status Of Rural Handicraft Artisans In Mandwi R.D Block, West Tripura District,Tripura
Sahen Debbarma, Dr.P.Murugesan
Handicrafts have the ability to create a lot of job opportunities the rural people including a large number of women and people belonging to the weakened areas of the society. In spite of all theopportunities, people in the rural areas still face the socio economic problems. The handicraft Due to theirdisorganization, lack of knowledge, finance, exposure to new technology, lack of market information, andinadequate institutional framework, handcraft artists endure significant hardships. The economic conditions of the sector are adversely affected in the rural areas by the challenging progress of technology. Thus the current research is about the socio-economic condition of handicraft artisans in Tripura. The paper also focuses on the problems and challenges faced by the handicraft artisans inTripura. The Indian handicrafts industries are mainly working in rural areas. The second largest jobs in India are generated by these Industries. One of the most crucial things is that, these are giving the most employment opportunities to that rural resident from the weaker section of the society. The Indian handicraft industries are mainly labour intensive industry, which playing an important role to the huge population to provide jobs and financial security. Low capital investment handicrafts are manufactured byhands or with the aid of basic instruments in Indian handicraft industries. Handicraft was created as a separate rural activity that involved member of particular class or community entirely or mostly or as a supplementary activity of agricultural household when they are not engaged in their main activity to supplement their income
Rural, Handicraft, Employment Opportunities, Socio-economic, Challenges, Financial Security, Society etc
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