Volume 20 No 12 (2022)
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A Study on Customer Satisfaction Towards Quality of Service in B2b Companies in Coimbatore
P. Rajini , P. Amutha , S. Valluvan , S. S. Uma , A. Arthi
Service quality is a focused evaluation that reflects the customer's perception of specific dimensions of service: reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, tangibles. Satisfaction, on other hand, is more inclusive and it is influenced by perceptions of service quality, product quality and price as well as situational factors and personal factors. Service quality affects customer satisfaction by providing performance. The main objective is to examine the essential dimensions of service quality i.e. RATER- Reliability, assurance, tangibles, empathy and responsiveness of B2B companies and its effect on customer’s satisfaction and to find out the perception of suppliers towards supply chain with the company. For this a sample of 150 was collected from the respondents. Percentage analysis, Descriptive statistics, Multiple regression, Kruskal Wallis test and One wayAnova were used as tools to analyze the data. The conclusion is that dimensional factors level of acceptance towards sourcing product from a limited number of suppliers, level of acceptance towards establishing clear criteria and level of acceptance towards B2B companies collaborating with suppliers in materials are taken for decision making process of the study. It also reveals that while taking decision on these dimensions the factor frequency of making supply should be taken for decision making process of the study
Service quality, B2B companies and customer satisfaction
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