Volume 20 No 22 (2022)
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A Study on the Impacts and Benefits of 4G Network in Kanyakumari District
M.Romeo, Dr.M.Josephine Rani
4G is the next generation of wireless telecommunications network with higher features than the previous generation of 3G. In the telecommunications sector, 4G represents the fourth generation standard mobile phone and is considered a strong supporter of 2G and 3G technology. 4G is also now and again called 4G LTE, but this is technically incorrect as LTE is one category of 4G network. Presently the most superior technology adopted by most mobile network service providers. 4G was introduced to provide a wider Internet Network. 4G is similar to high-speed data. When it earliest came out, 4G rapidly distorted the way we use the portable internet. Although 3G networks were very speedy, 4G network connectivity legitimate users to look around the web and stream HD videos on mobile devices, which fundamentally transformed smart phones into contemporary computers. 4G Technology was first introduced in the early 21st century to meet the demand for high-speed broadband and multimedia services, while 4G services are considered an extension of 3G mobile information services. In this study the researcher going to analyse the impacts and benefits of 4G network in Kanyakumari District.
Network, Technology, 4G, Internet, Broadband, Mobile.
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