Volume 20 No 20 (2022)
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A study on Socio Economic Analysis of Health Care Services of Working Women in Cuddalore District
It is fact and true that economical and social status and condition of the people in global
contexts would not be same but it would be varied according their social and economical status from
their ancestor’s periods onwards. Status are classified into several and plethora categories such as
income, job, property status, education status, cultural developments, political status and other bank
saving status .Based on these categories people’s status have been varied since beginning of the
world system, in which every one of us want to get status in those fields by competing with others
both directly and indirectly. Due to this competition regular conflicts and sporadic conflicts are arising
between people to people and community to community with an intention to increase their
profile before others and equal to others in the society. From these aspects this study is designed
to analysis social and economical factors and status of the health care women in cuddalore district, in
this way this study is aimed at exploring of their nature of job, income and other factors relating to
their occupation which propels their social and economic status would be analysed. Definitely
,people would be varied on account of known factors of the above said factors though they work lot
will not able to progress in their life due to weak basic property status and parents situations
Social Status, Hospital System, Administrative mechanism, Worker’s needs and expectations.
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