Volume 20 No 20 (2022)
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Thi Chinh Nguyen, Thi Hien Phan, Nguyen Tran Gia Han, Le Thi Thanh Binh
Access to health care/health insurance services has major implications for the health of
vulnerable populations, especially ethnic minorities. Sociocultural and gender characteristics
shape the use and access to health care services by ethnic minorities worldwide. One such
vulnerable ethnic minority is ethnic minority women and children in Viet Nam. As women, they
are marginalized in their communities, where women do not have adequate equity and they face
many barriers to health care services.The main objective of this study is to provide a nuanced,
experiential, description of health insurance and healthcare accessissues for ethnic minority
women and children in Viet Nam. Identifying barriers they facein accessing health insurance
andhealth care services can help healthcare policymakers make changes based on and tailored to
the needs of ethnic minority women and children in Viet Nam.The study was conducted with 18
ethnic Muong people in Vietnam. The interview included demographic questions,open-ended
questions about participants' perceptions of their experiences withhealth insurance and health
care services,including factorsthat support andhinder them from accessing these services, and
questions regarding suggestions to improve accessibility. of health care services based on
identified needs. The collected data was analyzed using thematic analysis. The reliability of the
study is ensured by the use of audits, reflections and interviews with colleagues. This study
explored how language, cultural and gender barriers intersect with other disadvantages that are
ingrained in social norms, values and beliefs and influence the access of a group of Muong
ethnic minority women in Viet Nam to health care services
Health insurance, health care, Muong ethnic group, Vietnam
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