Volume 20 No 22 (2022)
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Angel. D and Dr.V. Bini Marin
Entrepreneurs are the people who process the skills of developing, organising and
necessary initiatives to take some new ideas to market or provide a service and make the right
decisions to make their ideas profitable. In a broader term, entrepreneurs transform the status quo
by solving the most pressing problem and pain points of a society. Rural transformation is the center
of a structural transformation process occurring in every developing country fuelled by globalisation,
food system, technologies, entrepreneurship, conflict and displacement even climate changes with
other factors. The sixth five-year plan (1980-1985) emphasized the role of women as an integral part
of economic growth of the country. This concept laid the road for women entrepreneurs entering
into the productive sector. Women entrepreneurs from rural areas have been standing tall from the
rest of the crowd since then and are applauded for their achievements in their respective fields. The
transformation of the social fabric of the society, in terms of the increased educational status of
women in the rural sector and varied aspirations for better living, has necessitated a change in the
lifestyle of every woman as well the region. The ground of this paper is to associate the factors for
rural transformation through women entrepreneurs and to study the productive constituents as well
as defeatist constituents in rural women entrepreneurs, furthermore to find out the major
challenges faced by rural transformation through women entrepreneurship. This study implies both
prime and back up data. The sample size of 50 was stipulated through simple random sampling
method from the total rural women entrepreneur in Kanniyakumari District
Rural transformation, Productive constituents, Defeatist constituents
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