Volume 20 No 20 (2022)
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Adaptogenic activity of isolated fractions of Tecomella UndulataL. bark extractin acute and chronic stress-induced experimental animal models
Neelam L. Dashputre, Namrata Wade , Pavan B. Udavant , Anjali B.Tajanpure4 , Smita P. Kakad , Umesh D. Laddha , Swati Jogdand , Sanjay. J. Kshirsaga
Tecomella Undulata L. is classified in Ayurveda, the traditional medicinal system of
India. Plant known in popular medicine as used traditionally in various diseases and disordersto
promote physical and mental health, augment resistance of the body against disease and diverse
adverse environmental factors, revitalize the body in debilitated conditions and increase longevity.
Objectives: In this regard, study explored to evaluate adaptogenic activity of Tecomella Undulata L.
can be considered relevant.Methods:As such, the adaptogenic activity of a standardized isolated
fractions of bark extract of Tecomella Undulata L. (BETU) was investigated its preclinical studies as
an acute toxicity, acute stress (AS) induced by swimming endurance test on Albino miceand chronic
stress (CS)induced by foot shock model on Wistar rats. Adaptogenic potential was assessed by
estimating various parameterslike Cortisol, Cholesterol, Triglycerides, Glucose. Further adrenals,
thymus and spleen were subjected for histopathological studies.Results:Isolated fractions ofbark
extractTecomella Undulata L. exhibited significant antistress activity by restoration of all the altered
values. Conclusion: BETU confirms the antistress adaptogenic activity and findings validates the
clinical use of the plant in Ayurveda.
Tecomella Undulata L., Adaptogenic activity, Ethanolic bark extract, Acute and chronic stress.
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