Volume 9 No 4 (2011)
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Altered States of Consciousness Occurring During Expanded Sexual Response in the Human Female Preliminary Definitions
H. Ümit Sayin
Expanded Sexual Response (ESR) is a recently defined phenomenon. It is defined as
“being able to attain long lasting and/or prolonged and/or multiple and/or sustained
orgasms and/or status orgasmus that lasted longer and more intense than the classical
orgasm patterns defined in the literature”. During our detailed preliminary survey to
investigate the claimed ESR phenomenon in some particular women, we also
investigated the subjective feelings and altered states of consciousness (ASC) during very
intense and prolonged orgasms in the women with ESR. During our preliminary survey
72 types of different subjective feelings and ASC patterns were described in the 47
women with ESR. Among these were: depersonalization; out of body experience; flying;
dying feeling (petit morte); ecstasy; rapture; explosion feeling; quivering, earthquake
feeling; flooding; absorbing; spurting; blessed; shuddering; intense love; unreal; surreal;
voyage to nature; seeing light flashes, color flashes, geometric shapes, figures;
peacefulness; physical and spiritual warmth; loss of control; spreading; flowing; mystical
experience; unification with the partner and/or the universe; de ja vu; crying etc. It is
concluded that in some particular women with ESR, some of the very intense and
prolonged orgasms induce a form of ASC of which mechanism is not explained yet!
Pudental, pelvic, hypogastric and vagus nerves and oxytocin pathway is involved in the
development of female orgasm. We hypothesize that blended nerve activation among
these four nerves during ESR may be inducing extraordinary subjective feelings and ASC
during profound female orgasms. “Four nerve theory of female orgasm” may explain the
ASC during ESR to some extent. Also involvement of dopaminergic, serotoninergic,
noradrenergic, opioid, prolactinergic and oxytocinergic pathways may modulate the
altered mood states during ESR induced ASCs. Near to our ongoing research, more
research to determine the scientific basis and parameters of ESR phenomenon in some
females should be carried out, as well as the research on the neurological, psychological
and neurochemical mechanisms of ESR induced ASCs in some females’ psyche
expanded sexual response, expanded orgasm, altered states of consciousness, status orgasmus, four nerve theory of female orgasm
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