Volume 20 No 20 (2022)
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An Empirical Study on Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumer Buying Behaviour of Organic Food Products
Ms.U.Gayathri, Dr.P.Poongodi
DOI: Dr.P.Poongodi
The social media are transforming the marketing
facet into diverse dimensions that can be portrayed
all over the world. The marketing techniques are
getting a new facelift with the usage of the social
media for marketing various types of products. The
usage of the social media and associated
applications are exploding to new limits which are
uncontrollable based on the usage pattern of the
consumers. The social media is having prominent
presence in the field of marketing and its
transforming the modes as well as means of
marketing techniques. The traditional techniques of
marketing are being modified with the adoption
towards the social media marketing. The social
media is making various innovative ways to make
the products reach the consumers across the globe.
The reach of the products is extensive and it creates
significant appeal for the consumers
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