Volume 20 No 20 (2022)
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An Intelligent Cash Machine Computational Methodology Based on Iris Scanners
Dr.Basavesha D, Dr Jagadeesha R, Dr. Vijay Kalmani, Dr Kalyan Devappa Bamane
Iris recognition is a robotic biometric identification system that uses fine pattern-recognition techniques on videotape images of either one or both of a person's iris, which have complex patterns that are distinct, stable, and visible up close. These patterns can only be seen by someone who is very close to the individual. A biometric system is able to identify an individual or entity only on the basis of some distinguishing feature or characteristic that the individual or entity has. The security system is very important to day-to-day life and plays a key part in it. As security systems continue to advance and become more sophisticated, iris recognition is quickly becoming one of the most important forms of biometrics-based identification systems. Individual identification and authentication have been dramatically bolstered thanks to the development of biometric technologies, which has had a major impact not only on national security but also on international security and notably on public safety. The iris pattern becomes increasingly stable with age, and the primary attributes that define it are accuracy, sufficiency, and unity. Iris recognition is deployed in high-security areas because to its great dependability and practically perfect identification rates. This is because it can almost always correctly identify a person. This design provides an explanation of the many security methods that are implemented by ATMs, as well as the benefits of iris recognition systems in comparison to more traditional biometric systems. In this configuration, MATLAB software is used to recognise the user's irises, and an Arduino UNO is implemented to facilitate communication between the computer and the mobile device
Biometrics, Iris, ATM, Arduino, MATLAB
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