Volume 20 No 14 (2022)
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Analysis And Design Of G+10 Rcc Building Using Commercial Software
Prof. Sagar Dhengare, Aniket Pathade , Dr. Rajurkar Harshala , Kshitij Thate
Among the three basic need of human being shelter is one of the important features. The study of project deals with the effect of earthquake on the structures and their environment & also the method of reducing its effort. A number of naturally occurring disasters as earthquake are capable of causing death injuries & damage of properties. These natural hazards cause tremendous losses around the world in every year it can be designing the structures to resist vibration to with stand the damage caused by earthquake. The proposed structure was designed as per IS 1893-2002 (part 1). This building consists of (G+10). Total Plinth Area 1,028.801 sq.m. The building plan and structural drawings were prepared by using Auto CAD 2014; ArchiCAD V-18; Revit structural V-2014 for rebar and detailing & the structural components like beams, columns was analysed by STAAD pro v8i 17th edition software with reference to IS 1893-2002 (Criteria For Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures). The structural designs were carried out as per IS 13920-2002/2005 (Ductile Detailing of Reinforced Concrete Structures Subjected to Seismic Forces — Code of Practice), IS 456-2000 (Plain and Reinforced Concrete - Code of Practice) & SP: 16, SP: 34 (Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete). The project details can be used to construct the similar earthquake resistant building which can reduce the damage caused to the environment
staad pro. Analysis, design, multi-storeyed building, seismic analysis, ductile detailing, I.S code
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