Volume 21 No 3 (2023)
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Automated Classification of Brain Tumor Images using Hybrid Machine Learning Techniques
N. Phani Bindu, P. Narahari Sastry
Brain tumor is one of the most common types of
tumor, and it is one of the primary reasons of human death and
also it has its effect on the humans of all age groups. But, with
early detection, the severity of the tumor can be reduced, and
there may be a chance of getting better treatment. Generally,
brain tumor classification is done using biopsy, which can be
achieved only after brain surgery and this method is invasive. So,
different types of automated hybrid classification techniques can
be utilized to reduce human errors during diagnosis by
radiologists and avoid surgery. With advanced technology, i.e. by
the hybrid methods obtained by combining machine learning,
and deep learning algorithms, radiologists can easily diagnose the
tumor from MRI Scans without any invasive methods. This
paper introduces a hybrid method for classifying tumors and
obtaining different grades of tumors. In order to use two
classification algorithms with MRI images, this paper also utilizes
a hybrid CNN architecture method. In this technique, feature
extraction is done using AlexNet and VGG, while image
classification is done using SVM. The main strategy combines the
CNN algorithm's pre-trained AlexNet and VGG algorithms. The
feature vector obtained is given to SVM and it is employed for
pattern classification. The second method integrates a soft-max
classifier with such a finely trained AlexNet.
A brain tumor; MRI images; deep learning; CNN; AlexNet; VGG; SVM.
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