Volume 9 No 4 (2011)
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Bioplasma Concept of Consciousness
Adam Grzegorz Adamski
The great theories of the twentieth century, such as quantum physics, cybernetics, systems theory, synergetics, molecular biology, bioelectronics didn’t leave psychology unaffected. Quantum physics is not only at the root of most of the achievements of electronics, solid-state physics, laser science, nuclear physics, biochemistry and molecular biology, but also forms the foundation of psychology. This way of interpreting the mental phenomena shows that man is not only a purely biological construct, but that bioelectronic, biochemical and informational processes also play a role. They are responsible for the development of the mental processes of man. Man's biological system uses for communication not only the biochemical means, but also electromagnetic and acoustic waves, spin fields and bioplasma. An important role in the history of research into the link between the plasma and the life processes has been played by the works of Sedlak, Iniuszyn and Zona. Bioplasma is a state of mutually interacting interconnected fields and positively and negatively charged particles in an organic semiconductor. Bioplasma is seated in the protein semiconductors, or piezoelectric organic compounds. To have charged particles and excited states in both plasma and in the body, it is necessary to provide energy in various forms. This process is done by the chemical release of energy through the metabolic processes, and through the provision of energy from the outside, through the human senses. Bioplasma is a tangible medium of life and is the ground of consciousness
Biological system, bioelectronic, brain, consciousness, bioplasma
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