Volume 20 No 20 (2022)
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K. Roja, M. Srikar, Dr. T. Anil Kumar
The purpose of this project is to design and implement a controller for a Brushless DC Motor (BLDC) that use a Fractional Order Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) algorithm to mitigate torque ripple (FOPID). Because of commutation torque ripple, a six-step mode brushless dc motor (BLDCM) produces vibrational noise. In this piece, we'll go into what causes commutation torque ripple and what can be done about it, including topics like PWM-based predictive control and other methods (PWM-MPC). Predictive control may help get rid of torque ripple during commutation by adjusting the duty cycle based on a model of the system's behaviour. It's simpler to set up than other controllers since it doesn't need changing the motor driving circuit in any way. For anyone interested in experimenting with an alternative driving strategy beyond the typical square-wave, MATLAB/SIMULINK models of the suggested control system are available. We also look at the practicability of the plan. Simulation findings in this research suggest that the novel approach described here may significantly reduce torque ripple in comparison to traditional driving tactics
Model Predictive Control (MPC), Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), and Fractional Order Proportional Integral Derivative (FOPID) Controller for Brushless DC Motors (MPC).
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