Volume 20 No 13 (2022)
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COVID-19 And Higher Education: An Empirical Study On Changed Behavior Of Students
Dr. Ram Pravesh, Dr. Ahmad Tasnim Sidiqui , Mrs. Manisha Srivastava , Ms. Palak Srivastava , Mrs. Arti Das
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted every sphere of human life in the world. Its influenced the direction of functioning and thinking of human. The people are realizing the changed in the way of live. In this line the education sector is also most influenced sector of the world. Perhaps it was, because the education of the world are going in its own university or college system way. After the COVID-19 pandemic, education of the world turned to online mode, so the functioning style of education world influenced the learning and teaching behavior of the teacher and students. Consequently, there were pros and cons of online studies e.g., mental stress, headache, social life problems and many more. This has changed the behavior of educators as well as students. And this changed behavior of the students and teacher impacted the life style, learning approaches, learning capacity, learning interest, and ultimately extent or degree of learning of the students. The world perception about the learning of the student after it is that they are losing their learning temperament but few of them are taking the advantages. The aim of our paper is to explore the effects of COVID-19 on behavioral change both in students and faculties.
COVID-19, student behavior, pandemic, behavior change, empirical study
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