Volume 20 No 22 (2022)
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Comparative study of different extracts and TLC analysisof important medicinal plant Aloevera
Aloevera Dr.Anita Chowbey
All medicinal plants are very important for humans. Mostly significant phytochemicalsare present in the
plant. Several medicinal plants have many uses and more significant phytochemicals have been
discovered.The market for medicinal plants in India stood at Rs. 34.4 billionUS$ in 2022 and is expected
to increase at a CAGR of 13% to Rs. 61.5 billion US$ by 2027.In this investigation, a comparative
studywas performed in three different solutionsethanol extract, water extractand methanol extract of
Aloe verawhole plant analysis. Ethanol extract solution is better than water and methanol solution.
Alkaloids, Glycosides, Carbohydrates and sugar, Flavonoids are highly present and saponins, tannins,
phenolics, steroids and amino acids are present in ethanol solution. Glycosides and amino acids are
absent in the methanol solution. Important phytochemical was separated to extract by thin-layer
chromatography method. When standard rutin was tested with Aloe veraextract, it was found that the
mobile phase traveled up to 6 cm while the rutin traveled 3.4 cm above baseline. With an Rf value of
0.56, the rutin spot was seen under long UV, short UV, and normal light. The Rf values of the sample
extract spots were measured in long UV 0.56, short UV 0.56 and normal light 0.56 and 0.65.The
qualitative analysis of Aloe veraplant extracts to screen and estimate various phytochemicals provides
useful information for the pharmaceutical industry to manufacture drugs and underlines the importance
of using these plant extracts in high-intensity research as they are vital to healthcare.
Phytochemical, TLC,Alkaloids, Glycosides, Carbohydrate sugar, Flavonoids, saponins, tannins, phenolic, steroids and amino acid.
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