Volume 20 No 20 (2022)
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Crystal growth, sulphamic acid, Single XRD, TG-DTA, antibacterial activity, Z-scan.
Saraf Aboobacker, Ramanakumar K.P.V,
Athlete is a who trained or skilled in exercises, sports, or games requiring physical strength,
agility, or stamina. The coach is a professional head of a team who is responsible for the preparation and
performance of single players or of a team as a whole. A coach is a person who is responsible for the team
success. Leadership is generally defined as a process of influence. A coach’s leadership style, then,
comprises the behavioral processes that a coach uses to influence his or her athletes. This study has aimed
to analyze the perception of athletes towards coaching leadership in Indian sports. Methods: This study has
been adopted with descriptive research design and survey method. The required sample data are collected
from the populace of this study through a well-structured questionnaire which is framed and issued among
them. The opinion of perception towards coaching leadership are collected and measured by the way of 5
points Likert-scale method. The sample size of this study is involved with 225 athletes with the help of
random sampling method. The collected opinion on demographic and perception were investigated by
utilizing the statistical techniques namely Percentage analysis, Mean score, Standard deviation, Anova test,
Correlation analysis and Multiple regression analysis. Results:This study justified that maximum level of
perception towards coaching leadership is obtained by the athletes who belong to 15-20 years of age
group, female, UG or PG degree holders, below Rs.20,000 as family monthly income, North India and 7-8
years of playing experience
Athletes, Perception, Motivation, Coaching Leadership and Indian Sports.
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