Volume 20 No 12 (2022)
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Development of Novel Spectrum Sensing Algorithm for 5G Cognitive Radio
Babjiprasad Chapa, Geetamma Tummalapalli, Dr. Kamatam Hari Prasad, V. Vijayalakshmi, Ravi Shankar, A K M Bellal Hossain, Shivakumar S Ladde, Dr P Karthikeyan,
With the fast and unremitting growing of cellular services and users throughout the world, development of the next generation cellular mobile networks are inevitable. A common spectrum resource is included in the envisaged next generation cellular architecture using the dynamic spectrum sharing (DSS) technology. This resource is shared by a wide range of different network systems and entities. While this proposed method would significantly increase overall spectrum efficiency, it also suggests the experiment of optimizing cohabitation between the entities constituting the overall network by reducing their mutual interference. The cognitive radio (CR) paradigm's unique spectrum sensing (SS) function is currently being introduced in this context as one of the key enablers for successful DSS with minimal interference. This paper presents the novel spectrum sensing algorithm utilizing power techniques to determine the dominating eigenvalue of the signal’s covariance matrix received at the unlicensed user. Compared to other algorithms, the presented algorithm greatly reduces system overheads and also has lower computational complexity. Proposed algorithm gives better detection performance compared other existing algorithms.
Primary User, Secondary User, Cognitive Radio, Dynamic Spectrum Access, Spectrum Sensing
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