Volume 20 No 20 (2022)
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Development of sustainable architecture approach to design low-carbon residential buildings based on LEED certificate
Bahareh Tayeri, Mahmood Golabchi
Buildings play an influential role in global warming and climate change because the building sector is known
as the world’s third-largest producer of greenhouse gases today, after the transportation industry. Applying
the principles of sustainable architecture with the aim of eliminating or reducing the negative effects of
buildings on the environment leads to the production of Low-Carbon Buildings. The main focus of low-carbon
buildings is on reducing carbon emissions as the main greenhouse gas. Evaluation of low-carbon buildings is
done using building sustainability rating systems. The most famous rating system is Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design (LEED), which was created by the USGBC. LEED rating system includes all types of
buildings with different uses, which is the focus of the current research on residential buildings. The purpose
of this research is to collect the principles of sustainable architecture from previous research and to apply
these findings to the design and construction of low-carbon buildings based on LEED standards through the
review of case studies from the USGBC website.
sustainable architecture, LEED certification, low-carbon building, energy consumption, residential building
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