Volume 16 No 4 (2018)
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Does Resting-state EEG Band Power Reflect Fluid Intelligence?
Fluid intelligence refers to the ability to engage in abstract reasoning, which is independent of life experiences and
knowledge. Brain studies have associated fluid intelligence with resting-state electroencephalograms (EEGs). This
study investigated the relationship between resting-state EEG band power and fluid intelligence. The resting-state
EEGs of 39 healthy volunteers were recorded from 32 scalp locations with a linked ears reference while the
subjects were positioned in a Faraday cage for 15 min (10 min, eyes open; 5 min, eyes closed). The same
participants completed the Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices (RSPM) test. Brain electrical activity was divided
into delta, theta, alpha, and beta bands, and correlation coefficients were calculated to identify associations
between the resting-state EEG powers and RSPM scores. The mean RSPM score of the participants was 49.31
(females=50.43, males=48). No correlation between the resting-state EEG power values (delta, theta, alpha, and
beta bands) and fluid intelligence was found. The results of correlation analyses showed no relationship between
EEG data and intelligence scores. These results indicate that data on resting-state EEG power values do not
contribute to an understanding of fluid intelligence. However, brain network studies may deepen our
understanding of the neural mechanisms underpinning intelligence
Fluid Intelligence, RSPM, EEG, Resting-state EEG, Correlation
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