Volume 20 No 20 (2022)
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Drama - Ethnic Elements of Drama, Origin and Development Age of Drama
Priyanka Sankla
Apart from the linguistic structure based on narration in the drama, the use of the arts is also
accessible. The dramatist can adopt all mediums of expression, such as narrative language, dance,
art, choreography, instrumental music, architecture, etc., in the expression of drama. By making
proper use of all these mediums of art, he tries to make theatrical performance (acting) interesting,
colourful, and meaningful. Due to the combination of these various arts, the performance of the
drama becomes mesmerising to the audience. The beauty of the dramaturgy of narrative language
in drama lies in inciting action, not merely describing events and situations. Theatrical dynamism is
the core of the play. The language of drama is the language of action. Words or sentences used for
drama or acting (NatyaTatrabhineyam, Sahitya Darpan, Acharya Veshwanath) are considered
meaningful and artistic only. When they elicit or inspire physical, vocal, sattvic, or dietary action.That
is why Kalidas has called the theatrical performance ChakshushYagya. While formulating the
theatrical object, the playwright directs the states (conditions of life) of the hero or characters in a
dynamic (dynamic) form by aiming for a proper combination of dialogue, scenery, visual decoration,
lighting, sound effects, etc. Is. 1 In other genres of literature (such as novel, story, essay, sketch,
travelogue, epic, short poem, play, etc.), the author or creator reveals the subject matter only
through descriptive, pictorial, and musical language, but through acting in drama, the subject matter
(plot) is shown to occur directly. In this sense, drama is different from other genres of literature.
Mobility is a key element of drama. Through the dialogue and acting of the characters, the storey of
the drama is progressively tailored in an intriguing form through the visuals, scenery, lighting, use of
instrumental music, and sound effects, with the help of the theatre producer (Sutradhar), the
director, and various theatre personnel. for making the communication of the sensation of the
theatrical object more vivid, or Prabhvishnu. That is why the saying "Kavyeshu Natak Ramyam" is
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