Volume 20 No 20 (2022)
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E-Marketing Strategies in India: Digital Opportunities and Challenges
The subject of this article is e-marketing, which is one of the most effective and powerful tools for reaching as many consumers as possible. It covers methods, opportunities, and digital obstacles. It also looks at the fundamental ideas behind e-marketing, as well as its characteristics, stages, and methods, as well as the causes of its growth and advantages and disadvantages. The descriptive approach was the basis for the investigation. The research's most significant conclusions were that, in order to effectively apply e-marketing, a suitable digital environment must be provided; that e-marketing is now a necessity due to the widespread use of e-management and the Internet; and that the effectiveness of e-marketing depends on precise, well-researched strategies. Additionally, the research has shown that there is no superior strategy than the other and that multiple strategies can be employed inside the same organisation depending on how the organization's internal and external environments change. Instead, the organisation resorts to strategies at the expense of other strategies because of the nature of the environment and the set objectives. The successful selection of a strategy should be based on analyses and studies of different information inputs and outputs as well as the veracity and practical ability of the objectives to be reflected. The study also made it clear that using e-marketing techniques offers a variety of benefits, including gaining a competitive edge and a key position in the industry. Additionally, it has demonstrated that even though e-marketing works, there are still a lot of obstacles to overcome in order to counteract the detrimental effects of building client confidence, encouraging them to use their services, and fostering a culture of digital communication.
E-Marketing, Strategies of E-Marketing, Opportunities, Challenges of Marketing, Digital Environment
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