Volume 20 No 22 (2022)
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Effect Of Maintaining Apical Patency And Two Different Irrigation Modalities on Irrigant Penetration into the Apical Two Millimeters of Large Root Canals: An In Vivo Study
Dr. Maulsree Guleria , Dr. Saumil Dwivedi ,Dr. Rahul Shrivastava , Dr. Deepak Singh Kirar , Dr Vartul Dwivedi , Dr Monisha Tiwari Mishra
AIM: To determine the effect of maintaining apical patency and two different agitation protocols on irrigation penetration into the apical 2 mm of large root canals. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Total of 76 large human root canals from teeth with either irreversible pulpitis or necrotic pulps were assigned into two groups. Apical patency was maintained in one group (P) during shaping and cleaning procedures with a no. 10 K-file 1 mm beyond the working length but not in the other group (no-patency). All canals were treated following the same preparation protocol to size 40/0.06 by using 2.5% NaOCl as irrigant during preparation procedure. Before obturation, canals were irrigated with 1 mL of a radiopaque solution by using passive and agitation-irrigation technique, and radiograph was obtained. Digital images were taken, and 2 calibrated readers determined the presence or absence of the irrigating solution in the apical 2 mm of the root canals.
Root canal irrigation; manual dynamic agitation; apical patency; contrast media
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