Volume 20 No 20 (2022)
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Effect of The Combination of Roxy Back Massage (RBM) and Lactapressure Interventions on Prolactin Levels and Breast Milk Production: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Sri Rahayu , Suharyo Hadisaputro, Syarief Taufik Hidayat , Anggorowati
Puerperal mothers who are unable to adapt to their new role of caring for babies and
breastfeeding have an impact on insufficient milk production. Interventions to increase breast milk
productionwere previously carried out with education, breast warm compresses, acupressure,
andbackmassage, but still obtained the results of the effect size vary. The combinationof RBMand
lactapressure meridian points LU-1, ST-16,SP-18, ST-18, CV-17, and SI-1 is thought to increase breast milk
production. The purpose of the study was to prove the effect of the combination of RBM and
lactapressure interventions on prolactin levels and breast milkproduction
Breast milk production; Prolactin; Mother Puerperium; Massage; Acupressure
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