Volume 20 No 20 (2022)
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Energy Saving and architecture in association with climatic factors
Vorya Zandi
The current research investigates energy saving and architecture in association with climatic factors. The
research is descriptive and analytical through library resources. One of the most important effective factors
in energy saving is climatic factors. Things like the design and the materials are less important. This
distinguishes those who believe in passive design from those who believe in an active one. How to know the
climate is the first question before us. For a long time, two groups of factors have helped us identify the
climate, one geographical location in terms of longitude, latitude, and altitude, and the other climatic
elements such as temperature, radiation, humidity, airflow, and atmospheric precipitation. The results
showed that there are three ways to save energy in buildings. All three methods complement each other and
the first way, using pre-controlled building factors, is reasonably of priority. These factors include proper
design, location, proper orientation, and factors that allow maximum use of natural light during building
exploitation. The second method of saving is associated with simultaneous control factors, such as using
energy-saving lamps, changing the type of heating and cooling devices, and having the power to control
them. The third method is to change the culture of consumption. Education is the root of the right culture. It
is possible through economic and environmental channels.
energy consumption, building architecture, climatic factors, renewable energy
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