Volume 20 No 20 (2022)
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Essentiality Of Partition In A Train To Pakistan By Khushwant Singh
Dr Harsha Y Patil, Dr. Shilpi Bhattacharya
The period of Indian political history that utters
the freedom of India after 250 years of British
rule and the time immediately after that which
witnessed the Partition of India are not
detached with each other, but are observed in
same frame. There is no postcolonial writer in
India who can possibly ignore the impact of
Partition on the life of the common people and
the countrywide tumultit created for years to
come such that the tremors can be experienced
even today in the contemporary life and the
political concerns of both the nations- India and
Pakistan. Undoubtedly it was a turning point in
the history of both the nations which served as
a compelling literary theme for the postcolonial writers to include in their works.
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