Volume 20 No 22 (2022)
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Examining the Evolution of Land Ownership and Grants in Ancient Indian History
The complex dynamics of Ancient Indian land transfers and ownership are explored in this study work. It takes a look at the historical development of land grant systems and the theoretical notion of land ownership. Historically, the priestly class was the most common holders of private property with alienation rights. Private land ownership, however not universally applicable to all landholding groups, became an important part of the social structure as time went on. On the other hand, there was another set of land assignees who were subject to the rulers' tight supervision and who had their land confiscated and transferred. From the latter half of the Gupta era until the rise of the Delhi Sultanate, property and proprietary rights in land were fundamental to many facets of society, including economics, politics, culture, religion, and society at large. Land gifts were often given to religious organisations, officials, and other public servants as a token of appreciation for their work for the state. The economic hardships of the period and the significance of land as a symbol of social power and prestige are both mirrored in this practice. As a result, social stratification and complexity increased. A variety of primary and secondary materials, including as texts, epigraphs, inscriptions, coins, and cowries, are consulted in this research work. This monograph provides new insight into a crucial topic by bringing together these varied sources.
Historical Land Tenure, Vedic and Post-Vedic Land Practices, Agrarian Social Structure Epigraphic Evidence in Land Studies, Land Ownership, Ancient India, Land Grants, Feudalism, Agrarian Economy
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