Volume 20 No 20 (2022)
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Facial Recognition-Based Attendance Monitoring System
A.N. Karthikeyan , Dr. Satish N2, Premkumar M , Sathyaseelan K , Senthilkumar V M , E. Saranya , Kalaiyarasi V
The primary objective of this project is to construct a face recognition-based attendance monitoring system for a school to improve and upgrade the existing attendance system, making it more effective and efficient than before. The current outdated system has a lot of ambiguity, which makes attendance taking inaccurate and inefficient. When the authority is unable to enforce the old system's regulations, many issues arise. As a result, this project will use technology to fix the problems with the current system and automate most of the tasks associated with attendance. The face recognition system will be the backbone of the technology. One of a person's natural characteristics that can uniquely identify them is their face. Due to the low likelihood of a face deviating or being duplicated, it is used to trace identity. Face databases will be created for the purpose of feeding data into the recognizer algorithm in this project. After that, during the session for taking attendance, faces will be compared to the database to determine identity. When a person is identified, their attendance will be automatically recorded, storing the necessary data in a database system.
face recognition, attendance and recognizer algorithm.
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