Volume 20 No 20 (2022)
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Srikar T , Dr. V Vijyashree Bolisetty, Dr. R V V Krish n a
n thi s stud y , RTOS a n d the Thin g Spe a k cloud are propose d a s a means of autom ating the routine tasks of dail y life a t home. Jim Hil l populariz e d the term "domesti c s " to describe home autom ation, whic h ha s se e n rapid developm ent. The prim a r y objective of current Intern e t of Thing s ( I oT) - b ase d monitoring of e l e ctric a l equipm ent is to e x ert control ove r them in response to sp e cifi c environmen t a l conditions. There is a g r e ater n e e d fo r effe ctive management in toda y's technolog i c a l environment than eve r before , since doin g so is essential for m a xim i zing output while minimizing powe r us e . I n most homes, the biggest pow e r ho g s are the fan, the li ghts, and the w ater pump. Avoiding the wasteful use of electricit y and othe r resourc e s c aused b y le aving on li ghts whe n it's not dark outside o r running hi g h -velo cit y fans or whe n the wate r tank is full i s a major benefit of thi s s ystem. I t ha s be e n suggested to implement a s yste m that allows for remot e control of dom esti c appli anc e s to a n ywhe r e in the globe a t a n y time, wit h the adde d b enefit o f optimi zing the use o f electric a l resourc es. App is a cloud servic e that c a n coll e c t data from sensors in the house and then let the user manage their electronic d evice s base d on that information. Due to the us e r's bus y s chedule, the us e r wil l not be able to a c c e s s the sensor d ata continuall y to tak e a ction throug h th e cloud. Thus, the plann e d s yste m utili z e s ESP8266 to alert the use r's mobil e phone o r other Interne t of Thing s d evic e in the event o f a n emer g e n c y .
R TOS, I O T, ESP8266
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