Volume 20 No 12 (2022)
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HyKCBookRec: A Hybrid Framework for Knowledge Centric Book Recommendation Using Integrative Semantics and Variational Learning
Gerard Deepak, Saran B M, Ishdutt Trivedi, Saran Kaarthik B T , Shiv Shankar K, Gokulraaj, Sheeba Priyadarshini J,Santhanavijayan A
In today’s advanced and fast running world, there is an enormous availability of digital books on the internet. But
getting a proper book suggestion is still a question mark. So, several machine learning algorithms are being developed
for addressing this prevailing problem. Therefore, research is being conducted to improve the recommendation model
to enhance the diversity in recommendation. In this paper, a Hybridised Knowledge Centric Book Recommendation
model is proposed using the hybridization of SemantoSim measure, Kullback-Liebler divergence with optimization
done by novel cultural algorithm. The model has incorporated structural topic modelling, named entity recognition to
uncover the related documents from the internet. The static domain ontology is aligned with upper ontology using Lin
similarity measure. Indexes are then matched with the ontological terms and crawled from google books metadata
repositories. The proposed system HyKCBookRec also has proven better performing model than BFRE, CFJS, CBRF,
PBRDL models with an overall precision and Recall of 96.72% and 98.87% respectively
Book Recommender, Integrative Semantics, Knowledge Centric, SemantoSim, Variational Learning
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