Volume 20 No 22 (2022)
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Identifying Critical Factors Affecting Walk ability in Bengaluru City: A Qualitative and Quantitative Approach
Rajini Itham, Dr.Tej Kumar Karki
Bengaluru’s unprecedented growth over the past few decades has led to excessive automotive usage, leaving the city traffic clogged during most times of the day. Impediments to pedestrian movement have further added to vehicle usage in the city. Studies have shown that Bengaluru scores low in walkability, compared to other mega cities of the world. It is understoodthat people walk for different purposes- for work, errands, exercise, relaxation and/or restoration. The most critical purpose for walking in any city is to travel for work, a sit is also time dependent and occurs during peak traffic hours. Purposive sampling was used to select 4wards in the city as study areas–2wards with high population density and poor pedestrian infrastructure and 2 wards with moderate population density and better pedestrian infrastructure. Pedestrian surveys through structured questionnaires were conducted for a sample group of 160 pedestrians, that included 20 pedestrians, at 2 bus stops per ward. Street network analysis wasalso carried out through study of street maps. This gave an in-person account of constraints towalkability in the city. For Bengaluru to achieve its development goals, it must therefore aim toimprovewalk modesharein thecity.
Walk ability; Pedestrian spaces; Street network; Public amenities; Side walk continuity
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