Volume 20 No 20 (2022)
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Impact of Work Life Balance on Job Satisfaction and Employee Turnover in IT sector
Mrs. Parija Bhise, Dr. Anand Dadas,
Work-life balance is a condition in which conflicts between work and personal life are reduced by having appropriate regulations, encouraging management, provisions at work, and positive personal relationships. Work-life balance is thought to have an impact on employee performance and job happiness. Employees' ability to balance their professional and personal lives lowers workplace stress and boosts job satisfaction. The value of work-life balance in terms of employee creativity and productivity has been recognised by organisations. To encourage employees to work effectively, employers are now providing flexible work schedules, team outings to healthcare facilities, and child care facilities. The objective of this research study is to study the impact of work life balance on job satisfaction and employee turnover. The researchers have collected the data from 90 respondents using survey method with the help of well-structured questionnaire. Descriptive research design is found to be appropriate for the study. Convenience sampling method is selected to choose sample size. The outcome of this study will be beneficial to all organizations specially information technology companies
Work life balance, Job satisfaction, Employee turnover, Information
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