Volume 20 No 20 (2022)
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Investigating the effect of laser shock peening process on fatigue life improvement of rectangular bar with transverse hole subjected to unilateral bending
Mahnoush Alinaghian, Mohsen Irani Rahaghi, Sa’id Golabi
Laser shock peening (LSP) is a modern technique used to induce compressive residual stresses on the
surface of parts. On the other hand, fatigue cracks mainly initiate from stress concentration points by
mainly tensile part of dynamic loads. To delay crack generation and increase fatigue life of machine
parts, inducing compressive residual stresses is a common tool used by engineers. The result of variation
of LSP parameters on the generated compressive residual stresses and surface roughness around a
transverse hole in 7075-T6 Aluminum bar are studied using both finite element technique and slitting
method. It is shown that increasing laser beam energy rises the generated compressive residual stresses
but deteriorate surface finish and will not always increases parts fatigue life. Other objective of this
research is to identify the vicinity of critical regions with stress concentration around a transvers hole in
a rectangular bar with 5 mm thickness and applying laser shock peening process in these regions. It is
also illustrated that elaborate application of LSP could efficiently be used for stress concentration points
and improve fatigue life by up to 65%.
Laser Shock Peening; Residual stress; Stress concentration; Slitting method; Finite element; Fatigue life; ABAQUS
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