Volume 20 No 20 (2022)
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Job Satisfaction of Employees’ Towards Sidco in Tamilnadu
R. Dharmalingam , M. Soorya Praba
Employees are the real assets of an organisation and such assets need to be valued and treated in good ways and means. Employees’ mindset and goal should be towards company and company’s mindset should focus for the wellbeing of employees’ and their family members. Organisation must have a master plan to make the employees feel satisfied with their work, income level, status qua, etc., And every employer must feel the employees’ feeling like a family, try to sort of the query or issues faced by the employees’. One must feel satisfied both financially and mentally for the survival within the organization. And employer must keep on motivating the employees’ irrespective of work and seniority, which gives employees a power to work more for company’s growth.
Employees’, Employer, Satisfied, Organization, Family
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