Volume 20 No 20 (2022)
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Microscopical and phytochemical analysis of traditionally utilized crude drug
Pradeep Singh, Muhammad Arif, Mehnaz Kamal, Talha Jawaid, Sheeba Shafi, Mini Rani Mary Beth, Aml Sayed Ali Abdelrahem, Naheed Kausar
Different parts of the Euphorbiaceae family plants Ricinus communis and Euphorbia hirta are mostly used for the treatment of varied diseases in traditional systems of medicine. Both of them contain pharmacologically active compounds exhibiting analgesic, anti-oxidant, hepatoprotective, anti-diabetic, anti-urolithiasis, and diuretic properties. It is the ingredient of many Ayurvedic and other traditional formulations. Due to the increasing demand for herbal drugs, quality standards are necessary. The current study was planned to set phytochemical and analytical standards for the plants R. communis and E. hirta. Pharmacognostic, phytochemical, physicochemical, and TLC were carried out. Phytochemicals like reducing sugar, steroids, saponin, alkaloid, and phenolic compounds were detected in the methanol extract of both plants. In TLC analysis sharply 6 spots in both plant extracts were exposed at wavelengths 254 and 365 nm. A peak with a max RF value of 0.50 compared to that of syringic acid was confirm the presence of phenolic compounds. The current study will assist future scientists in the standardization of R. communis and E. hirta for their pharmaceutical preparations.
Ricinus communis; Euphorbia hirta; Standaerdization; phenolic compounds; syringic acid
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