Volume 9 No 2 (2011)
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Mind and Tachyons: How Tachyon Changes Quantum Potential and Brain Creates Mind
Syamala D. Hari
We propose that memory and thought in the brain involve tachyons. As a first step, in an earlier paper it was suggested that mental units called psychons by Eccles could be tachyons. Although experiments to detect faster-than-light particles have not been successful so far, recently, there has been renewed interest in tachyon theories in various branches of physics. We suggest that tachyon theory may be applicable to brain physics as well. The present paper describes how the zero-energy tachyon field has various features of mind-fields which have been postulated by some well known mind-matter researchers. We propose that the relation between the tachyon field and the change it produces in the quantum potential of the system with which the tachyon interacts is similar to the relation between an algorithm and its representation stored in a computer (digital or quantum). The quantum potential which is software-like, and the holographic memory which is database-like, both provide codes in the hardwarelike physical brain, for the “real information” or the “meaning” which consists of tachyons. We show that our proposal can mathematically describe how mind acts on the physical brain as well as how the brain acts on mind. As an example of how the brain creates experience in the form of tachyons, we explain the Libet delay-andantedating paradox using this proposal.
quantum potential, mind field, tachyon, exocytosis, computer and brain, artificial intelligence, temporal anomalies
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