Volume 13 No 1 (2015)
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Modeling and Measurement of Interpersonal Attraction and Coordination in Charged Social Space-Time
Alan S. Haas
A new interpretation of consciousness proposes that states of the mind and behavior may be treated as
containing a net electrochemical charge. In the electrodynamic model, interpersonal interactions would exhibit
attraction due to complementarily charged states. While this hypothesis remains to be verified with
neuroimaging and other techniques, it is important to consider how psychology would in principle be described
using charges in social space-time. Extended analysis of data from a recently developed method is used to
demonstrate how this would occur during optimally coordinated cognitive-behavioral activity, or interpersonal
“synchronicity.” In an earlier study, pairs of individuals were asked to converse for an initial period, separate,
and return to talk again after making a decision about when they were ready to meet for a second conversation
with their partner. In addition to the beneficial effects of mindfulness that optimized subsequent interactions,
participants with similar personality traits also appeared to be aligned and returned with greater simultaneous
coordination. The interaction of pairs in the study may be considered to resemble coupled particles in an EPR
experiment, and is used to show how complementary simultaneous coordination can be understood within the
context of “charged social space-time.” Synchronistic moments of meeting are treated as coherent charge states
that converge under effective conditions after an interval of time. The implication is that interpersonal attraction
and bonding may create social structures that are uniquely described by fundamental electrodynamic principles.
The nature of consciousness and social behavior may require a model using charge-like reactions that progress
as a function of biophysical energy, space, and time. Here, a method and principles for the development of a
practical model of electrodynamic consciousness is detailed
brain charge, electrodynamic, electrochemical brain, interpersonal attraction, coordination dynamics
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