Volume 20 No 20 (2022)
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New approach for estimating return period of earthquake using statistical distribution functions in Iran
Sara Vashaghian , Nayereh Madarshahian , Ali Beitollahi
Major earthquakes estimation in geophysical science is regarded as an essential matter for designing
buildings and industrial structure. Regarding the return period of large earthquakes and lack of its seismic
data, some errors occur for estimating return period. One of the aims of this study is considered finding the
method for more accurate estimating. Iran is always known as a country with a high potential of the
earthquake in the world. In this research, by regional frequency analysis method, some probability
distribution functions were used to predict earthquakes in a 100-year return period which can be greater
than 5 on the Richter scale in major seismotectonic provinces of Iran.
Probability distribution functions; Regional frequency analysis; Generalized Logistic (GLOG); General Extreme Value (GEV); Generalized Pareto (GPAR); Weibull; Return period of earthquake; Iran
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