Volume 20 No 20 (2022)
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Off-board electric vehicle battery charger using fuel cell and PV array
Gajjela.kasthuri , Dr.Vishwanatha siddharatha
The usage of renewable energy has
dramatically increased over the past few years in a
variety of industries, which has led to its use for
EV (electric vehicle) battery charging in the
automotive sector. In this research, a bidirectional
interleaved DC-DC converter (BIDC)-fed offboard battery charging system using photovoltaic
(PV) arrays is suggested for light-weight EVs. This
off-board charging system has the ability to
operate in dual mode, providing power to theEV
battery from the PV array when the vehicle is at a
standstill and driving the DC load when the
vehicle is moving. A three-phase BIDC is used to
carry out this dual mode operation. Software
called MATLAB/Simulink is used to simulate the
suggested system's model. This study provides
simulation findings. To increase the system's
capacity and reliability of power in shaded
conditions, a fuel cell is also connected to the
existing system. Simulink from the MATLAB
programme is used to simulate the suggested
charging mechanism.
Solar array, EV, fuel cell, battery, sepic converter and bidirectional DC-DC charger
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