Volume 20 No 12 (2022)
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Perspectives of Visualization of Vibration quant data to study effect of particle damping for Gearbox Using Data Analytical Tool: Tableau
Amar C Pawar , K A Rade, Kaveri Katake ,Abhishek Gandhar , Rajesh Holmukhe
One of the crucial mechanical transmission systems used in an industrial setting is the gearbox. In particle damping
technique, The impact mass includes number of particles and corresponding dissipation of energy will take up place due
to impact, exchange of energy and friction in between gear body and impact mass. Hence Particle impact damping
techniques are used to decrease the undesirable vibration in engineering systems such as gear box. Hence this paper's
goal is to discuss the impact of particle damping at various ratios on the vibration signals of gears. Also, Its objective is to
investigate the vibrations of a single-stage spur gearbox while taking both healthy and faulty situations into account. An
experimental test rig is developed for examining the effect of damping in single stage spur gearbox. The study provides
lab research that was conducted using an experimental setup for the study of particle damping technique which is
applied for minimizing gear vibrations to increased reliability of system. The focus of this research is solely on particle
damping and how it affects vibration reduction. This paper attempts to investigate effect of particle damping to find the
most sensitive damping combination with considerations by varying the conditions like applied load (0 ,1.5 kg, 2.5 kg),
Particle filling rate (10 %,30%,50%,70%,100%), particle size (ball diameter as 3 mm & 5 mm), no. of holes (4 & 6), gear
condition (healthy & Faulty) for the gearbox system under consideration. This paper proposes a novel approach of
visualizing the vibration data using data visualization toll like Tableau for examine the effect of different parameters like
applied load, speed, particle size, number of ger blank hole and particle filling ratio on mechanical system like gearbox.
Keywords: Vibration measurement; Particle Damping, Data Visualization, Vibration reduction.
Vibration measurement; Particle Damping, Data Visualization, Vibration reduction.
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