Volume 20 No 20 (2022)
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Phytochemical Screening, Physicochemical Analysis of Starch from Colocasia Esculenta
Sumayya Kasim Atar ,Priyadarshini Ravindra Kamble , Sonali Sharad Gurav1 , Pooja Pandit Dhanawade,Priyanka Bhanudas Parekar , Shivraj Sangapa Shivpuje
Colocasiaesculanta is herbaceous plant with central edible corms, it is widely cultivatedin high rain fall area and it was first cultivated in ‘south east Asia’. Now a day, people suffering from a variety of health issues, including new ailments and costly therapies for those disease. As a result, employing the herbal plant is less expensive and has less adverse effects. Taro contains 70-80% starch, which is a fantastic source of energy for the human body. Starch is also beneficial for peptic ulcers, pancreatic ulcers, inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), chronic liver disease, making it a readily available and nutritious food. The starch can beextractedfromtarocormpowderbysimpleextractionprocess.Thephytochemicalevaluationofextr actedstarchrevealsthatitcontains starch, glycosideandprotein.Thephysicochemical evaluation shows the extracted starch powder has poor flow propertiesalsoabsorptionmaximaofextractedstarchismatchwiththestandardstarch.Theextractedst archshowsthemoderateanti-ulcerogenic activity
Taro, Medicinal uses,Ediblecorms,Starch, Phytochemical screening, UVSpectrophotometry, IR Spectroscopy.
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